
楚州位于江苏腹地,地处京杭大运河与苏北灌溉总渠交汇处,境内地势平坦,气候温和,四季分明。总 面积1600多平方公里,辖28个乡镇,人口122.2万。楚州区即原县级淮安市,2001年2月行政区划调整,原江 苏省淮阴市更名为淮安市,原淮安市更名为楚州区。
楚州区历史悠久,公元前117年开始建县,是国务院命名的全国历史文化名城,素有“壮丽东南第一州”之美称,在2100多年建县史上,长期是郡、州、路、府的治所,物产丰富,漕运发达,商贾云集,经济繁荣,曾与杭州、苏州、扬州并称为古运河线上的“四大都市”,在这片土地上。孕育了“与汉三杰”之一 的韩信、《西游记》作者吴承恩、南宋抗金女英雄梁红玉、民族英雄关天培等一大批名人志士,特别是一代 伟人周恩来1898年诞生在淮安楚州,并在此度过了童年的12个春秋,更使淮安楚州为世人所瞩目。

Chuzhou District of Huai’an City,Jiangsu Province in the hinterland of jiangsu Province,where the Beijing-Hongzhou Grand Canal converges the Northern Jiangsu lrrigation Cha nnel.Dominated by smooth terrain,Chuzhou has a pleasant climate with moderate temperatur e in distinctive seasons.Covering a toal area of over 1,600square kilometers,Chuzhou has 28 villages and townships under its jurisdiction,with a population of 12.22million.Forme rly,Chuzhou District was nameed Huai’an City,a couny-level city in Jiangsu Province.Afte r the readjustenebt of administrative divisions in February 2001,Huaiyin City of jiangsu  province was changed to huai’an city and the former huai’an city to chuzhou district.
Chuzhou boasts a long history,It began the county establishment as 117 B.C.designated by the state council as the china’s famous historic and cultural city,chuzhou has enjoye d the fame of NO.1sub-prefecture in the splendid sountheast for a long time.In over 2,10 0 years’history of county eastablishment,chuzhou has always been the seat of localgoverm ents of prefectures,sub-prefectures,districts,and superior prefectures. Thanks to the fe rtile land and plentifulproduces.developed irrigation and convenient transport.Bootming  business,and economic prosperilty.chuzhou was oncelisted four major cities along the Gra nd Canal together with Hangzhou ,suzhou.and yangzhou .born on this piece of land were Ha n Xin,one of there heroes in xinghan,wu cheng’en the author of the famous CHinese classi c journey to the west ,liang hongyu ,the heroine of the southern song dynasty (1127-1279 )renowned for her courageous resistance against the aggression of jin(a minority kingdom living in the north during 1115and 1234A.D),guan tianpei,a nationalhero,and a large numb er of other people with high aspirations.zhoue Enlai,the great man of the generation,in  paricular,was born in chuzhou ,huai’an city in 1898 and spent 12 years of hai childhood here.this nade chuzhou of huai’an city become the focus of public attention.
The people of chuzhou district extend warm welcome to personalities of various with  farsighted views and investment strategy to come to chuzhou for invesment and business p romotion.let us work together and advance with the times to accelerate the development o f a new chuzhou with economic prosperity and civlization.and endeavor to bulid the homet  own of our respected and beloved late permier zhou enlai more beautiful,properous and ci vilized.

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