
Chuzhou Industrial Park situates the east of the downtown ,south of Chu zhou Train Station and north of the conjunction links of Bejing-Shanghai Exp ressway . It boasts very favorable geographical advantage . The indusrial pa rk covers a planned area of 4 square kilometers and the first phase project involves 1,000 mu(1mu=0.0667 hectares) .Available in the industrial park are five supplies and one leveling (namely,power supply,water supply, telecommuni cations ,sewage,road transport ,and leveling land).The industrial park’s exte nsive network is featured by the artery of three north-south highways and 2 e ast-west highways,providing convenient access to the outside worle .The indus trial park highlights the high-tech industrial structure , orients toward lar ge-scale investment projects ,and emphasizes the introduction of textile and light industry ,machinery ,electronics ,new type materials ,new type resource s ,high efficiency and energy-saving products ,pharmaceuticals ,environmental protection ,and other high-tech industrial projects .

外地进楚州工业园区投资企业,在享受《淮安市楚州区招商引资优惠政策》的基础上,可享有以 下特别优惠:
1、所得税:经营期在10年以上的企业,从获利度起,其缴纳的所得税中属地方部分,第1年至第5年 由地方财政给予全额奖励;第6年至第10年由地方政府减半给予奖励。
4、在投资奖励:投资者把企业取得的利润,用语该企业再投资,或在工业园区开办新建企业,固定 资产达到200万元以上的,经营期不少于5年的,其再投资部分已缴纳的所的税中属于地方部分且没有 享受地方奖励政策的,由地方财政给予全额奖励。
三、规费优惠 进工业园区的生产型企业,除缴纳国家、省收取的有关规费外,取消所有地方行政性规费。
Preferential Treatment Besides the favored treatment granted by the Preferential Policies for Investment Promotion in chuzhou District of Huai’an City ,enterprises to be established in Chuzhou Industrial Park can also enjoy the following special preferential treatment .
1.Land Preference
(1)The tax collections an land occupancy rights for the first three years starting from the date of operation shall be refunded through the local fiscal revenues to the enterprise in its entirety.
(2)The land occupancy rights can be obtained at a rate of RMB 17,000 per mu (1mu=0.0667 hectares) for a period of 50 years .
2.  Fiscal Levy Preference
(1)Income Tax :For enterprises with operation term more than ten years ,starting from the profitable years ,the local part of the income tax shall be refunded through the local fiscal revenues to the enterprise in its entirety for the first five years and in 50 percent for the sixth to the tenth years .
(2)Value-added Tax: Fifty(50) percent of the local part of the value added tax by the local government shall be refunded to the enterprises within three years.
(3)Business Tax :Fifty (50) percent of the business tax collections shall be refunded to the enterprises within three years starting from the date of operation.
(4)Encouragement of Re-investment :For profits which are obtained from enterprises or re-invested in the industrial Park to set up new enterprises with the fixed assets investment no less than RMB 2.0 million and operation term no shorter than 5 years ,100 percent of the local part of their income payment for the re-invested profits collected by the local government shall be refunded . if the enterprises formerly cannot enjoy the refund policy granted by the local government .
3.Stipulated Fees Preference Enterprises to be established in the industrial Park shall be exempted from all local administrative stipulated fees ,except the payment for the obligatory surcharges prescribed by the State and provincial government.

楚州工业园区实施ISO9000服务质量体系和ISO14000环境质量体系,严格按照国际标准进行规范 化管理,倡导完备服务。
一、一个窗口对外 工业园区下设专职招商引资机构,一个窗口受理外商投资项目的申报手续。
二、一站式审批 工业园区全力营造完善的投资环境,设立一站式项目审批中心,环保、工商、质检 、供电、自来水、国税、地税、公安等部门为外商进区项目提供一站式审批服务。
三、一个头收费 园区内外商投资企业法定交纳的合理费用,由园区统一归口收取,取消区内所有地 方性行政收费。
Investment service
Chuzhou industrial Park has established and maintained the ISO 9000 Service Quality System to enforce the standardized management in conformity with the international practice and emphasize the investor-friendly service .
1.One-Counter Service :The industrial Park has one specialized investment promotion department in charge of handling the declaration formalities for foreign investment projects.
2.One-Stop Service :The industrial Park attaches great importance to perfecting the investment environment and therefore, sets up a One-Stop Examination and Approval Center to provide the streamlined service involving environmental protection , industrial and commercial registration ,quality and technical supervision ,tap water ,State taxation , local taxation ,public security ,and other formalities required for the establishment of the foreign-invested enterprises.
3..One-Point Collection of Charges :The reasonable statutory charges and fees required for the foreign-invested enterprises shall be collected by one designated department in the industrial Park for centralized management .All local administrative stipulated fees will be exempted .

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